Wednesday, November 30, 2005

o aarde dit bewe

Ek is vanoggend weereens wakker geskud deur my bed wat heen en weer wieg (my matras is op die grond), en al waaraan ek kon dink is dat my wekker eers oor 16 minute sou afgaan en ek nog kon slaap. Ek is deesdae so gedesentiseer oor aardbewings dat ek nie eers meer vir die naaste deurkosyn hardloop nie, maar eerder wonder of mens toilet toe kan gaan terwyl daar 'n aardbewing aan die gang is.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

in die sop

Die eerste keer toe ek Für Elise twee jaar gelede gehoor en moes hardloop om my vullissak betyds agter in die lorrie te kry was Chris v R by en hy skree toe, "Pasop, die sop, die sop!". Dis as sy binnegoed begin draai en die sakke so platdruk om binne sy maag te kry. Ek dink nou elke keer aan Chris se woorde as ek die vullislorrie moet vang. En vanaand, wragtig, toe trek daai sop en tref die tannie langs my!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

gelukkig kan ek nie stem nie

Dis provinsiale verkiesingstyd en die kandidate rally vir die vale (dit dryf my teen die mure uit). Elkeen het 'n spesiale foto laat neem met een of ander handgebaar. Die ou lyk soos iemand wat die bul by die horings of die koei by die uier sal vat, maar die outjie in die oranje lyk of hy suurmelk gedrink het...

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

sy het duidelik nie my vorige post gelees nie

Saterdagmiddag in Ximending gesien...

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Modevooruitsig 2006

Die groepie hierbo dra die nuutste styl wat binnekort opTaipei se hipste sypaadjies te sien gaan wees. Die styl word genoem "Tai Ke" en dit gee vir my baie hoop vir mense soos my biologie onderwyseres van st. 7. Ek het ook juis 'n dilemma begin ontwikkel met 'n klerekas wat bestaan uit meestal bruin klere en swart bykomstighede. 'n Flater in die Weste, maar 'n wenner hier!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

die groot migrasie

Aangesien my ander blogverskaffer nou al vir meer as twee maande op die koffie is, en ek nie so lojaal aan hulle was nie, het ek besluit om my hier te kom vestig. Ek sal probeer om my ou postings van daar af te smokkel en hier te kry, maar ek is bevrees dat al my foto's wat daarop was nou verlore is in die groot gat van niks.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

my weekend 03/10/05

4 episodes of Little Britain
1 movie (subtitled)
1 episode of Monty Python's Flying Circus
1 trivia night (won)
1 movie
1 game of "Worms"
1 highschool reunion (absent)
1 cousin's wedding (absent)
1 baby shower (absent)
1 typhoon
1 earthquake

what the...? 24/8/05

on my way to work this morning I saw two guys on a scooter with an I. V. (Intravenous) bag on the steel pole standing on the scooter, inserted into the front guy's hand which was on the handle bars....while driving!!!! really. and I was the only one laughing and shaking my head.

evil airconditioners 22/8/05

sjoooooeee! it has been ages since i have updated this old thing. i got a bit lazy by the end of the semester and then went to thailand and cambodia for a month. cambodia was heart moving, but thailand left me with mixed feelings. and foot coral reef fungi.

at the moment i'm trying to do as many extraordanary things as possible. i went to the MOCA (museum of contemporary art) in taipei on saturday. there was an exhibition of photography and video installations. for a place as inaesthetic as taiwan, i was quite surprised.

my friends had laser eye surgery done, and I checked in on them to keep them company and from watching too much TV.

i came home last night with an aching body, sore throat and drowsy head. at my home we only use fans, but i think i had been exposed to too many airconditioned buildings this weekend. therefore the consequinces.

(cough in background fading away)

ballet is bizarre 12/05/05

last night we went to see swan lake, performed by the moscow city ballet. although it was beautiful beyond words, I couldn't help but think how strange this art form is.

think of it...ballet: people on the tips of their toes, doing all sorts of things with their bodies the same way as others have done it for 200 years. and then the audience applauds. and the ballerina do a few moves for 30 seconds. music stops. the audience applauds. and the male ballet dancer makes a turn or two. music stops. audience applauds. they all dance. music doesn't stop but the curtain comes down. end of the show.


ballet is not for sissies

eternal blissful body of serene water 5/4/05

we did it.

the three of us took our scooters, packed our tents and toothbrushes and set off at 7am on saturday morning to sun moon lake. what a beautiful ride. we rode through the mist and drizzle past strawberry farms and betelnut plantations. we could actually smell the strawberries in the air. we had coffee in a little town somewhere between dahu and dong shih where the "restaurant humaniste de Rive Gauche" had pictures of prague 1906 and barcelona against the walls... and dog shit on the chairs outside.

we took a wrong turn and drove through an atayal village- a hakkanese tribe, or like they were referred to in the early 1900's, savages of formosa. it seems that poverty and inbreeding has taken it's toll on this once rich, traditional culture, though.

we reached puli, the town right in the centre of the island and had nio rou mien (beef noodles) and dumplings for lunch.

we eventually found sun moon lake high in the mountains. the water is actually bright blue and the lake is mich bigger than I expected. we set up camp in the far right corner of the camping site, far away from the SUV's and families with TV's. we took a stroll to the village about 10 minutes away and had fried shrimp (caught in the lake) and beer on the pier.

the next day we drove around the lake looking for the hot springs but only found an oversized, ugly building that advertises itself as a spa.

we took the long road back and decided to eat lunch in a town called guoshing, but the only place we could find was the 7eleven. so we had to settle for microwaved food on the steps of the post office. not that bad taking into account that we were also the main attraction in this town for that brief period.

on our way back we stopped to get a box of strawberries. the smell was just too overpowering. we arrived back home with sore muscles and bad helmet hair.

scooter commuter 25/3/05

While I was driving past the nth smashed up scooter this morning, I decided that I am going to have a special section dedicated to what ifs and what nots when riding on a scooter as part of our daily life. I'll try to keep my finger on the trigger to capture these unique moments!

So please, if anybody has a story to tell or a picture to share, this is the place.

I also saw a woman driving her car into a rice paddy earlier this week. No comment.

ke a leboga