Saturday, November 12, 2005

evil airconditioners 22/8/05

sjoooooeee! it has been ages since i have updated this old thing. i got a bit lazy by the end of the semester and then went to thailand and cambodia for a month. cambodia was heart moving, but thailand left me with mixed feelings. and foot coral reef fungi.

at the moment i'm trying to do as many extraordanary things as possible. i went to the MOCA (museum of contemporary art) in taipei on saturday. there was an exhibition of photography and video installations. for a place as inaesthetic as taiwan, i was quite surprised.

my friends had laser eye surgery done, and I checked in on them to keep them company and from watching too much TV.

i came home last night with an aching body, sore throat and drowsy head. at my home we only use fans, but i think i had been exposed to too many airconditioned buildings this weekend. therefore the consequinces.

(cough in background fading away)


At 1:13 am, Blogger Sebastian said...

That places were really a nice place for air conditioning our self. Like me when I have a problem I just comfort myself through going to different places that gives me real happiness and proper satisfaction.


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