Monday, April 03, 2006

6.4 in Taitung

Die volgende scenario het Saterdagmiddag afgespeel:

Michelle se boyfriend: Yes, 6 is kinda evil. And this is the 6th floor.
Andrea: But they always have specials at the supermarkets for NT$666.
Lorette:Isn't 4 supposed to be worse around here? I live on the 4th floor.
Michelle se boyfriend: Eeek. That's bad.
Lorette: That's why my rent is cheap.
Andrea: Hey, I wonder when we'll have an earthquake again? There hasn't been a good one for a while.
Michelle se boyfriend: Yes.
Lorette: Hmm. Ja.

('n Paar sekondes tik verby...)

Michelle: Earthquake...
Almal gelyk: No way, yes, wow, can you believe that we just talked about it? I wish I taped this, nobody will believe it.
Lorette: Is it over already?
Michelle: Must have been a 2 or a 3.
Lorette: Jy's met were born with the man jy's met die helmet gebore.


At 11:39 am, Blogger lolla said...

Daar was gister 4 aardbewings in een dag!


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