Sunday, March 26, 2006

Skokkend (Nie vir sensitiewe lesers nie!)

Vanmiddag stap ek heel rustig in die onderdorp rond toe ek begroet word deur aaklige foto's van lyke. Eers dog ek dis lekker onsmaaklik vir 'n Sondagmiddag, tot ek agterkom dat dit eintlik 'n protes van Falun Gong of Falun Dafa is. My koreaanse vriendin wat kan Chinees lees verduidelik toe vir my dat daar 'n konsentrasiekamp in China is waar meer as 6000 mense wat die geloof beoefen, aangehou word. Die ergste is nie net dat hulle geloof heeltemal onwettig is in China en hulle gemartel word as hulle in hegtenis geneem word nie, maar dat hulle organe geoes word terwyl van hierdie mense nog lewendig is. Die organe word dan op die swart mark verkoop en die liggame veras. Die foto's wat op die straat uitgestal is, was van 'n paar van hierdie gevalle. Dis TERRIBLE. Dit wys 'n normale ID-tipe foto van die persoon en dan 'n lyk met 'n klomp staples oor die borskas en waar die niere en lewer was. Blykbaar is daar al meer as die helfte van die 6000 gevangenes dood op hierdie wyse sedert 2001.

The witness said that her ex-husband had a cell phone specifically for this type of business. No matter when and where, as soon as the cell phone rang, he would go to perform the operation. During the 2 years of working at Sujiatun, he did several cornea removal operations per day.

Her ex-husband told her that those detained in the Sujiatun concentration camp were all Falun Gong practitioners. For others, even prisoners sentenced to death, organ removals could not be done without proper paperwork and procedures. Only for Falun Gong practitioners, due to the central Communist Party policy that the deaths of practitioners are "counted as suicide," the hospital can detain and remove organs from them live without any procedures. Every surgeon knew they were Falun Gong practitioners. They were told that doing such things to Falun Gong practitioners were not crimes. Instead, they were "cleaning" for the Chinese Communist Party. Those on the operation table were either mentally destroyed or had lost consciousness. Major targets of cornea removal were the elderly and children.

A reader from Mainland China called the Epoch Times New York office Saturday and told us that: a celebrity in China had a liver transplant. The liver belonged to a Falun Gong practitioner. This reader also revealed that the General Hospital of the Army and Police Force in Beijing still stores organs of Falun Gong practitioners for high-ranking officials and celebrities. He said that he obtained this information from a relative of this celebrity.

Lees die res van die artikel hier.


At 2:09 pm, Blogger rondloper said...

Daar is 'n aantal eetstakende Falung Gong-lede reg langs die plek waar ek bly in Hong Kong, met foto's van mense wat gemartel is in China. Ek het hierdie stories al voorheen gehoor, dis byna te erg om waar te wees.

At 3:11 am, Blogger renklem said...

Ek kan dit nie glo nie. Ek dog ons lewe in die 21ste eeu.

At 3:47 pm, Blogger Do Kwang said...

Die Chinese is regtig crap. Verlede jaar is twee mense van Falun Gong hier in 'n drive by shooting vermoor dieselfde tyd as wat die Chinese premier op besoek aan die land was. Ek is seker die Chinese het dit gedoen.

At 6:58 pm, Blogger rondloper said...

Gaan kyk daai lekker movie V for Vendetta - ultranasionalisme gone wrong in Engeland, maar dit kan enige plek gebeur. Nog scary stuff, as mens byvoorbeeld dink aan die Chinese missiele gerig op Taiwan.

At 7:39 am, Blogger bobby fletcher said...

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At 10:54 pm, Blogger lolla said...

Thanks for the info. I'm definitely going to have a look at those links. I always like to be well informed. I deleted one comment because it was posted twice.

At 7:34 am, Blogger bobby fletcher said...

Thank you, sorry about the butterfinger.

While I agree China’s human rights abuse should be examined, as with all human rights abusers in the world including my own country USA - but lifting data from websites and writing allegory of “Schindler’s List” is not the way.

If we in the West can not be precise with our facts, only resort to nefarious indictment, who will take what we say seriousely?

At 8:57 pm, Blogger lolla said...

Do you understand Afrikaans? Then you would also understand that I only showed that part of an article to get the story behind the pictures I saw on the street that day. I used the word "blykbaar" that means "apparently", so nowhere did I claim this was my own finding, nor that I truly believed everything. I was just shocked, that's all.

At 3:21 am, Blogger bobby fletcher said...

Again, I'm sorry about this. I am an America, and I don't know Afrikanns. And I know how us Americans can be ignorant and imposing (which explains why this story has taken off in North America.)

Yes, I only saw your report of Epoch Times story, and felt it necessary to provide my own research.

Thanks for letting me post on your blog anyways.

I have evidence that suggests Falun Gong activists in America strung togheter unrelated news and facts from China to make this story. I will only impose my theory on you if you demand it.

At 3:25 am, Blogger bobby fletcher said...

psigioot, I hope you know organs can not be stored for transplantion later; once removed it's only good for a some hours.

At 4:35 pm, Blogger PienkZuit said...

sunday service klink vir my na 'n chinese agent wie se werk dit is om blogs te patrolleer. Hy/sy probeer darem net te hard om waar te wees.

At 7:50 pm, Blogger lolla said...

ek het ophou kommentaar lewer op sy tirade want die ou/vrou het my baie begin irriteer. veral omdat sy grammar soos een van my studente s'n lyk.


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