Sunday, June 18, 2006

Engelse dorings in die vlees (soos veral deur Noord-Amerikaners en wannabe Yanks misbruik)

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Ons het almal sitcoms gekyk in ons vormingsjare en die frase "Oh, my God" tot vervelens gehoor. Dit het ook gereeld by Oprah en haar ateljeegaste se monde uitgeblêr. Het dit enigsins êrens in ons Engelse woordeskat vashouplek gekry? My ma het my altyd vertel hoe kommin en lelik dit vir haar klink, so ek het dit nooit durf sê nie.

Hier in die Ooste is dit egter die derde sin wat mense in Engels kan sê na "Gimme fi" (Give me five) en "Hello Moto"(ek het al omgedraai en geskree my naam is nie Moto nie!). Die weergawes is eindeloos: O ma gah, O my gob, Oh my got.

O my genade, dit gee my 'n pyn! Ek wonder nou net hoe antwoord hierdie winkel hulle telefoon...


At 9:18 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like ... Oh My God!

At 3:00 pm, Blogger dorothy said...

what's MOST annoying is the misplaced! exclamation
Oh! my god.
Oh my! god.
Oh my god!
or, more applicably -

the 'hellomoto' thing would,like, totally piss me off when i was like teaching those little chinese people

with all that bad! grammar, annoying verbal like ticks and ohmygod those terribly tired phrases, it would lovely if there actually WAS a whole academy dedicated to policing the utterances of the common people.
Someone would just need to give them a quick spelling lesson.
acadamy? awarness?

but then

At 2:49 pm, Blogger PienkZuit said...

Ek kon nog nooit rerig die Hello Moto advertensies verstaan nie, maar dit het duidelik daar gewerk.

At 5:13 pm, Blogger dai said...

ek sê deesdae maar "Oh my word"... dis net so terrible. Soms dink ek een of ander amerikaanse Incubus neem my oor, want ek doen dit selfs in 'n Oprah aksent. As die Incubus dan weer van my bord afklim is ek vreeslik skaam :-)

At 6:10 pm, Blogger Do Kwang said...

Ek se^ "Oh my shattered urinary tract!"

At 9:40 pm, Blogger dai said...

is dit beter?

At 3:04 am, Blogger Do Kwang said...


At 5:08 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

great post as usual!

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